Ordering a repeat prescription




Repeat Prescriptions

If you are taking regular medication your "repeat" prescriptions will be printed when required. You can order a further supply of your medication by bringing or posting the printed "re-order slip" to the surgery, or through this website; please do not telephone us to request repeat prescriptions. 

A new re-order slip is printed with each repeat prescription; please tick or circle the items on the slip to show exactly what you need. Alternatively, you may write this out yourself and order for someone else, providing you include the patient’s name and date of birth and requested medication. 

repeat prescriptions

Requests for repeat prescriptions should be made at least two working days (ie 48 hours) in advance, and seven days if by post, in which case please provide a stamped and addressed envelope. Requests for repeat prescriptions should not be made more than ten days in advance.

Should you have a genuine need to request your medication early (e.g. if you are going on holiday) the doctor may be able to fulfil your request. However, please ensure that you clearly state the reason why you are requesting your medication early.

Doctors may ask to see you to review your medication and you will be asked to make an appointment. This will always be because we need to ensure you are taking them safely and effectively.


Ways to order


Collecting Your Prescription

The Practice is now able to send most NHS prescriptions to your chosen Pharmacy using the Electronic Prescribing Service (EPS). This is a quick and safe system and we highly recommend it.  Find out more by clicking below.

Alternatively, prescriptions may be collected from the surgery after midday, or can be posted to you if you have supplied a stamped and addressed envelope. You could also arrange for one of the local pharmacists to collect your prescriptions from the surgery on your behalf.



With regards to the ordering of Warfarin, we ask that you adhere to following policy:

(1) As soon as possible after you have received your latest Warfarin blood test result (INR) please bring your Warfarin monitoring book, or a copy of the result, to the surgery. If you cannot do this then please ask someone else to bring it to the surgery on your behalf. The receptionist will record your blood test result and other relevant information in your medical records, for the attention of the doctor.

(2) When you bring your blood test result to the surgery please request a repeat prescription for Warfarin, ie at the same time, unless you think that you will not need any more tablets until your next blood test is due. We will try to have your prescription ready within two working days, so long as we have your latest blood test result. If we do not already have your latest result it may cause considerable delay in us issuing your new prescription.

(3) Please also count your existing supplies of Warfarin tablets and tell us (in writing) how many tablets of each strength that you have in hand, so that we can calculate what to give you to last you until your next test.

(4) Finally, please understand that if you request your Warfarin tablets some while after your latest blood test, in the run up to your next test, then we will be obliged to supply a smaller number of tablets, enough to last you only until we receive the result of the next test. You will always be better off ordering your Warfarin tablets immediately after a blood test.

Please collect any prescriptions after 12:00 (Midday)